July 22, 2018 End Times News Alert

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John 9:25 “He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.”

Preaching, Teaching and Saying what Limp Wristed Preachers with Lace on their Panties WONT Preach, Teach or Say!

This weeks Abortion News:  Click here

Good News for a change!

Birmingham college student walked 20 miles to 1st day of work so his boss gave him his car

When A Police Officer Noticed A Boy With Bloody Socks, He Returned With A New Pair Of Shoes

This weeks Ignorance Gone to Seed Awards:

FEMA to Americans: Don’t Count on Us This Hurricane Season

Temple Prof & CNN Commentator Marc Lamont Hill Touts Cop-Killing Terrorist as ‘Freedom Fighter’

“Theybies”: The New Term for Children of Parents who Neglect to Teach them what Gender They Actually Are

While in South Africa  Barack Obama Slams ‘Rich People with Big Houses’ before returning Home to his $8 Million Dollar Mansion with 9.5 Bathrooms

Isaiah 5:20-21 News: The World has gone NUTS and Topsy-Turvy!

Palestinians: U.N. gives us the ‘right’ to kill Jews

Insanity Takes Hold: TEDx Speaker, Medical Student Claims Pedophilia is Natural

Signs of the Times  Mark 13:4-10 and Luke 21:25-28

Residents in Southern Israel Warned to Stay Near Bomb Shelters

Texas Smashes 1925 Heat Record as Power Prices Surge on Demand

School Threatens to Call Police on Person Handing Out Bibles to Elementary Students

Two earthquakes rock Surrey in 12 hours and 2.7-magnitude shaker is SIXTH in four weeks

Genesis 6 – Transhumanism – Get up to Speed on the Watchers here.

Thousands Of Scientists Sign Pledge Against Developing Lethal A.I.

DARPA Researching Mind-Controlled Troops Connected to Weapons Systems

CLAIM: Organ transplants to become “parts replacement” by 2070 when we will be able to “upgrade” organs that wear out with robotic pieces

Plagues – Disease – Vaccine hoax

Fresh scandal erupts over vaccine safety in China

California Fires bring on cluster of mysterious rashes and strange ‘allergic reactions’

Lawsuit Proves HHS Hasn’t Filed Required Vaccine Safety Reports with Congress IN 30 YEARS

False Religions: Atheism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Mormonism etc.

Hindu Extremist Sexually Assaults Pastor’s Wife at Church Service in India

Islamist Violence against Christians in Uganda Injures Pastors, Stops Church Services

Pastor in Hiding from Hindu Extremists – and Police – after Attack on His Church in India

Somalia: 10-year-old girl dies after female genital mutilation, Islamic groups oppose criminalizing the practice

GERMAN KNIFE JIHAD! At least 14 have been wounded, some seriously, in stabbing attack on a German bus

California: Muslim boasted of plans to bomb gay nightclubs, set fires, and give homeless people explosive backpacks

Pedophile – Sodom and Gomorrah – Sex Trafficking News – Sexual Perversion

Lesbians are now protesting transgenders as LGBT goes to war with itself

Drag Queen Story Hour Brings Confusion And Perversion To Children All Across America

Pedophiles and child molesters are now demanding access to LGBT sympathy – claim they are misunderstood and marginalized

Witchcraft – Satanism – Demon Possession – Mark of the Beast

Muslim Students become Possessed Jinn after Reading the Filthy Qur’an

Illegal Aliens – DACA – Muslim Refugee News

Rep. Lamar Smith: Scripture Opposes Amnesty

San Francisco Begins Registering Illegal Aliens To Vote

Busy Month for Illegal Immigrants Committing Heinous Crimes

Big Brother – Police State – Gun Confiscation – Crooked Cops

Jail deputy charged in contraband smuggling scheme

Traitor and Weasel Peter Strzok works for both the FBI and CIA

Bureau Bosses Covered Up Evidence China Hacked Hillary’s Top Secret Emails

Mark Zuckerberg Says Infowars Can Remain on Facebook But It’s Content Will Be Censored

Barack Obama was running the entire spygate operation that violated federal law to spy on Trump campaign officials

Racism – Be sure and read Racism needs a willing Vessel

The Racist Left

A race-based civil war has been promised by black politicians in South Africa against the persecuted white minority

Uber drivers now discriminating against black Trump supporters, essentially saying, “We don’t serve your kind here”

Cal Poly University celebrates tactics to reduce number of white students on campus… all in the name of “inclusiveness”

Trump Derangement Syndrome

Massive Russian collusion, but not by Trump

Whoopi’s Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown

Watch The MSM Meltdown Over Trump’s Meeting With Putin

MSNBC’s Barnicle: Rewrite the Constitution and Remove Trump Now

Bookmaker increases chances of Trump being impeached after Putin summit

Building Owner Tells Art Gallery to Remove Trump Assassination Porn from Front Window

Clueless Michael Obama Trashes Trump as “Mediocre” – Says “Last Election Does Not Give Me Hope”

Other News of Interest

John Brennan Misses Communist Russia

George Soros Calls Barack Obama His ‘Greatest Disappointment’

Deep State FBI Knew Russian Maria Butina Was Working the NRA and Conservatives But Did Not Warn Them She Was a Spy

Putin Gives Trump 160 Terabytes of Communication Intercepts; ALL people behind fake “Russia Collusion” – False Flag Chemical Attacks in Syria, Sabotage of Brexit, Nefarious Clinton activities & More

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!