October 17, 2020 End Times News Alert

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Psalms 7:9 “Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins.”

This weeks Abortion News:  Click here

This weeks Featured Videos: #1  #2  #3  

This weeks Featured Articles:  AAA1 must read and Share!  #1  #2  #3  #4  #5  #6  #7  #8  #9  #10  #11

This weeks Featured Music Video: Click Here  Calvary is the reason why

This weeks Featured Cartoons:  #1  #2  #3  #4  #5  #6  #7  #8  

Featured Series: Antichrist and the Final Solution: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17

Send in your Prayer Requests Here

Good news for a Change

Just to Bless Your Heart

10,000 Christians Gather to Praise God in Downtown Nashville

Police Make Mass Arrest Overnight in Riot-Torn Portland Oregon

Biden, Harris Kick Off ‘Bus Tour’ In Arizona — Not A Single Person Shows Up

President Trump Speaks the Name of Jesus Christ at Greenville North Carolina Rally

Arrest of former Mexican defense minister shakes military: Cienfuegos was nicknamed ‘the Godfather’ and carried on direct conversations with the leader of a violent cartel moving cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin into the United States!

This weeks Ignorance Gone to Seed Awards:

Biden Hits Trump for ‘Shutting Down’ Country over Coronavirus

California will begin housing male inmates in women’s prisons to ‘respect’ gender identities

Merriam-Webster Labels Term ‘Sexual Preference’ Offensive After Uproar During SCOTUS Hearing

High-End Brands Tell Security Guards Told to Keep Quiet About Looting Over Fear of Being Labeled “Racist”

Isaiah 5:20-21 News: Apostasy – Hypocrisy – Christian Persecution. The World has gone Totally NUTS and Topsy-Turvy!

Democrats: Liars Cheats and Thieves!


61% of Black Protestant Pastors Voting for Biden


Epidemic of Muslims Kidnapping, Raping Christian Girls

God Has Not Abandoned America…, America Has Abandoned God!

Crematorium Bans Lord’s Prayer: ‘Chanting’ Forbidden Under Virus Laws

United Nations Creating a Global Network to Slaughter Children as a Human Right

The 2020 Election Bamboozle: We Are All Victims of the Deep State’s Con Game

Woman is rescued after husband locked her in their toilet for ONE-AND-A-HALF YEARS

Signs of the Times  Mark 13:4-10 and Luke 21:25-28 – Prophecy 





Chinese Leader Tells Military to ‘Prepare for War’

Apocalyptic fires cause devastation across Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Turkey

At least 13 killed as worst rains in more than 100 years flood Hyderabad, India

Asteroid hunters spot flurry of new space rocks headed towards Earth after identifying mysterious new ‘minimoon’

Statistics: Sharp increase in natural disasters over the past 20 years  Not caused by People, but IS God’s Judgment ON a SINFUL People!!

VOLCANO ERUPTION WARNING ALERT: African Volcano Lava Rising at Rapid Rate in Disaster WARNING: Nyiragongo-most active/dangerous/ Largest Volcano in Africa is about to ERUPT

Plagues – Disease – Famine – Vaccine Hoax – 5G – Climate Hoax  ***Educate yourself about the Georgia Guide Stones!!***

Monster, Madman or Medical Messiah?

CDC Admits 85% of COVID-Infected “Always” or “Often” Wore Masks

Life Will Return To Normal Only After 2nd Generation Of Covid Vaccines Are Rolled Out Says Bill Gates

The UK’s envoy to the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) has condemned mass coronavirus lockdowns, slamming the “ghastly global catastrophe” caused by crashing the world economy

Gates Vaccine Spreads Polio Across Africa :Here the bond of dedication to eugenics and to dangerous vaccines seems to unite both the Rockefellers and Bill Gates, merely the heir and continuation of the deadly eugenics work of the Rockefellers

Man Made False Religions = Atheism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Mormonism, Scientology etc.

Virginia Imam Calls For Creation Of Islamic Caliphate

Vatican Mints a Coin of a Pregnant Gaia Mother Earth

Epidemic of Muslims Kidnapping, Raping Christian Girls

Pedophilia – Sodom and Gomorrah – Sex Trafficking – Feminism –  More LGBTQPXYZ news here

Why Is The FBI’s Top Child Porn Lawyer Involved In Hunter Biden Laptop Case

Rapists Now Face Death Penalty in Bangladesh After Citizens Demand Action

Disturbing MK-ULTRA and Child Abuse Paintings Displayed on Billboards in Italy

Women’s Group Wins Battle to Protect Female Athletes from Transgender Competitors

Does Hunter Biden have a “Sexual Preference” a Child Fetish like his Daddy Joe Biden?

Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive Revealed ‘Underage Obsessions’, FBI Assigned Child Porn Investigator

Biden Says Enactment of Homosexual, Transgender ‘Equality Act’ Is ‘Top Legislative Priority’ if Elected

A pastor in Kentucky has been charged with incest – victim claims that there were 30 to 40 instances of rape

Clinton-Linked Pedophile Pimp Ghislaine Maxwell Once Attended Anti Sex-Trafficking Fundraiser in New York

Judge Tosses Discrimination Lawsuit Against Fuller Theological Seminary for Dismissing Homosexual Students

Petition Calls For FBI To Take Down Active Pedophile Forum Where Thousands Of Members Are Openly Discussing Their Participation In Sex Abuse Of Children

Satanism – Witchcraft – New Age – Demon Possession – Mark of the Beast  Be sure and bookmark the website

OCCULT DAY USA? What The Hell???

Statue of Naked Medusa Erected in New York City

NBC Fake News Jezebel Savannah Guthrie Faithful Servant of Lucifer

Texas Mother, Unborn Child Killed When “Friend” Cuts Baby Out of Womb

Transhumanism – Nephilim – Alien Agenda  Get up to Speed on the Watchers here.

Author Dame Hilary Mantel calls for skeleton of 8ft 4in ‘Irish Giant’ held at the Royal College of Surgeons to be returned to his homeland after he asked to be buried at sea

Illegal Aliens – DACA – MS-13 “Divine” ones – Muslim Refugee News – Weekly Terrorist News here

Nearly 300 Illegals Arrested in 18 Hours

Judges Block Deportation of Migrant Drug Dealer, Cite ‘Human Rights’

DOJ: 94 Percent of Foreign Nationals in U.S. Federal Prison Are Illegal Aliens

Coast Guard Busts Smuggling Boat Carrying Two Dozen Migrants Off Florida Coast

Student government impeaches pro-Trump Latina student senator who opposes illegal immigration

More Than 170 Criminal Illegal Aliens Arrested in Sanctuary Cities, Including Convicted Sex Offenders

Kamala Harris Refused Death Penalty for Illegal Alien MS-13 Gang Member Who Murdered Bologna Family

False Flags – Big Brother – Police State – Gun Confiscation – Crooked Cops – Vote Fraud


USPS Worker Fired for Dumping 112 Absentee Ballots

Las Vegas voter: I could have voted 4 times thanks to vote-by-mail

FBI Data: Four Times as Many People Killed With Knives Than With Rifles in 2019

High Ranking Lt. and 5 Cops Keep Jobs After Admitted Involvement in Teen Sex Trafficking Case

Playstation Says it Will Enable Voice Chats to be Recorded So Players Can be Snitched on for Mean Words

False flag? October surprise? Attorneys for Whitmer-kidnapping plotter claims FBI informant PUSHED others to act

Domestic Terrorists – Bernie Bros – Antifa – Black Lives Matter Racists

Denver killer Matt Dolloff is registered Democrat Socialist, tied to Antifa

90 Street Thugs Sued for Damage Done to Local Cincinnati Businesses During BLM Riots in May

Black Trump Supporter VICIOUSLY BEATEN at San Francisco Free Speech Rally — Sucker-Punched — Teeth Knocked Out

Racism – Hate Hoaxes – Eugenics and Genocide – Euthanasia  – Be sure and read Racism needs a willing Vessel 

Netherlands legalizes child euthanasia despite opposition from Christian parties

Southern Baptist Seminary Implements Program to Pay Reparations to Black Students

‘Sesame Street’ Disgustingly Grooms Innocent Children to be Future Leftist Agitators; Brainwashes Them That They’re Racist

Enemies of America and GOD! – Communist Democrat Trash – R.I.N.O Republican Scum – Fake News

Democrats: Liars Cheats and Thieves!

Trump: Pelosi Pushing 25th Amendment to Remove Biden for Kamala Harris

Forget ‘Russian Collusion’, Both Facebook And Twitter Are Interfering With Our Election And Attempting To Rig It In Favor Of Democrat Joe Biden

FemiNazis Hate Amy Coney Barrett Because She Represents Everything Original Feminists Fought For, While Offering A True Choice For Pro-Life Young Women

Trump Derangement Disease – Lunatics in the News!

Big Pharma Employees Creating COVID-19 Drugs Overwhelmingly Donate to Biden, Democrats

Bruce Springsteen Vows To Leave The USA If Trump Is Re-elected in November Bye Bye Bruce. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!


Other News of Interest



Illinois Prosecutors Announce They Will NOT File Charges Against 17-Year-Old American Hero Kyle Rittenhouse

Tens of Thousands of Armenian Americans and Their Allies March to Turkish Consulate in Beverly Hills to Decry Bloodshed

Until Next time, KLTJ –  Keep Looking To Jesus!

Jon and Josie

Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?”

Preaching the True Gospel of Jesus Christ without apology! Saying what Preachers with LACE on their PANTIES won’t say!

The Communist Democrat Party really is the Party of Death and that of Destruction and Treason! They are The Beast and Enemy Within!

Time are tough! Please consider a Donation. Even a dollar would help!

2nd Corinthians 9:6-7 “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.“


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Social Media:
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Official Deplorable Preacher GAB Page
Official Exposing Satanism Face Book Page 
Official Government Propaganda Face Book Page 

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Brighteon Channel
Bitchute Channel

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!