End Times News Update February 21-23, 2021

Hey folks we need your Help!! Click Here

Psalms 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”

The Communist Take Over of the World is Full Throttle – The Anti-Christ will emerge SOON!

Ahab and Jezebel Are Now in Charge of America

Imprecatory Prayer: You MUST Engage The Enemy!

There is NO Separation of Church and State in the Bible. If you believe that, you are Biblically Ignorant!

Latest Abortion News:  Click here

Today’s Featured Videos: #1  

Today’s Featured Articles: #1  #2  #3

Today’s Featured Music Video: Special Love

Today’s Featured Cartoons: #1  #2  #3  #4

Featured Series: Generational, Ancestral and Family Curses. What are they and do they really exist? 10 Part series. Start here at Part One

Send in your Prayer Requests Here  –  Archived Alerts can be seen here

Good news for a Change

Donald Trump Declares War on RINO ‘Swamp Creatures’: “I’m Screening ALL Midterm Candidates”

North Dakota House Passes Bill Making Mask Mandates ILLEGAL, Bill Sponsor Calls Mandates ‘Diabolical Silliness’

Ignorance Gone to Seed – Projection – Fake News – Social Media – Communist LUNATICS:  See Enemy of the People here

Nasty Nancy Pelosi Opines ‘Every Life Lost is a Profound Tragedy’

Leftists Cancel Kermit: Disney Labels Muppet Show ‘Harmful’ and ‘Offensive’

Parler’s New CEO Wants Convention That Would Let George Soros Rewrite The Constitution  They have bowed to Baal!

Ignored by Media: Dirtbag Joe Biden Says US Veterans and Former Police Officers Are Fueling White Supremacism in America

Signs of the Times – False Religions – Apostasy – Hypocrisy – Christian Persecution  Mark 13:4-10Luke 21:25-28Isaiah 5:20-21

Encounter With a Feminazi on Fascist Book

NASA warns of STADIUM-SIZED asteroid headed towards Earth

Science Proves That Time Is Running Out For Humanity  This is the Luciferian’s agenda

Mount Etna fills the sky with flame and lava as the volcano erupts for the fourth time in as many days

FORGET COVID Oracle Nostradamus reckons megaquakes, supervolcanoes & World War Three are the disasters still to come

Is this True? SACRED TREASURE At least 800 worshippers die defending the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ from looters amid ethnic massacre in Ethiopia

Plagues – Disease – Famine – Eugenics and Genocide – Climate Hoax – Georgia Guide Stones – Revelation 16:9  18:4 


Texas agriculture commissioner issues RED ALERT warning on food supply chain

A “Biblical” Invasion Of Locusts Threatens To Cause Widespread Famine In The Horn Of Africa

Bombshell Viral Story From Esteemed Medical Doctor Destroys Mainstream Covid-19 Narrative – As Democrats Seek To Crush Dissent, Courageous Americans Are Standing Up To ‘Big Pharma’ And Bill Gates Vaccine Madness

Bill Gates: 2050 ‘Soonest Realistic Date’ for World to Change to Avoid Climate Disaster  Prophet Bill is like all the other Lunatics setting dates. 8-9-10-12 years! “Come on man”, the least you can do is have a meeting with all the fear mongers and get a consensus!

Pedophilia – Sodom and Gomorrah – GAYSTAPO – Sex Trafficking – Feminism –  More LGBTQPXYZ news here

 Tranny’s Now Dominate Women’s Sports

House Poised to Vote on Sweeping ‘LGBT’ Bill Expected to Further Endanger Religious Liberty

Biden Urges Congress To Pass Demonic ‘Equality Act’ Which Erases God-Given Gender Distinctions And Paves The Way For Legalized Pedophilia

Catholic League: Pro-Trans ‘Equality Act’ the ‘Most Comprehensive Assault on Christianity Ever Written into Law’  Maybe they need to clean out the trash in their own house and that will help reduce the number of Homosexuals and Tranny’s!!

Satanism – Witchcraft – New Age – Demon Possession – Mark of the Beast – Transhumanism – Nephilim – Alien Agenda

 Why the Pentagon Is Releasing UFO Info in 6 Months

They want to live forever. They want to be gods – New alarm over Big Tech and ‘ascending the human race’

False Flags – Big Brother – Police State – Gun Confiscation – Crooked Cops – Vote Fraud

St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Biden Could Make Gun Control Dreams Come True

Domestic Terrorists – Racism – Antifa – Black Lives Matter Racists – Illegal Aliens – DACA – Racism needs a willing Vessel 

Sounds Racist: McDonald’s Will Punish Executives if They Hire Too Many White Men

Biden’s AG Pick Merrick Garland Refuses to Say if Illegally Crossing Border is a Crime

ICE to Release Migrants Further into USA – Virus Fears: Still No Testing in Border Cities

Leaked audio surfaces of John Sullivan admitting Antifa and BLM involvement in Capitol siege

Garland Suggests Antifa Riots Not “Domestic Terrorism” Because They Happened After Hours

SPLC reclassifies black separatist movements because they were ‘born out of valid anger’  The SPLC is a Hate Group themselves!

Liberals Hate White People, Including Themselves, As ‘Everything Is Racist’ Now, Including Math, Correct Answers, And The Muppets – Disney Promotes Homosexuality, But Labels The Muppets As ‘Offensive’ 

Trump Derangement Disease – This is the Real Plague. The Cure is to get Saved and become a True Patriot!

Patriot tackled by staff at ‘Trump Ice Rink’ for flying Trump 2024 flag

Other News of Interest  –  Biden Bumbling Gaffes  Matthew 15:14

No one has any idea what Biden just said

Deadly Shooting in the Mexican State of Chihuahua Leaves 5 Dead, While Authorities Found Severed Heads on the Hood of a Truck

Until Next time, KLTJ –  Keep Looking To Jesus!

Jon and Josie

Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?”

Preaching the True Gospel of Jesus Christ without apology! Saying what Preachers with LACE on their PANTIES won’t say!

The Communist Democrat Party really is the Party of Death and that of Destruction and Treason! They are The Beast and Enemy Within!

You can donate 3 ways to help us in these trying times. At the Give Send Go, you can read just a little bit of what has been happening for OVER a year now due to my wife Josie’s heart attack!

By Give Send Go

By Pay Pal or Stripe

By sending via regular mail

2nd Corinthians 9:6-7 “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.“


Online Ministries
Pray for My Child
Prayer is Warfare
Eye Opening Truth

Ass Clown University
Christian Network News

Government Propaganda
Catholics are NOT Christians
Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft

Social Media:
Fascist book – Twitter Alternatives




GAB Channel
Bitchute Channel
Brighteon Channel
Ministry YouTube Channel

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!