October 21, 2018 End Times News Alert

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1st John 5:14 “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:”

Preaching, Teaching and Saying what Limp Wristed Preachers with Lace on their Panties WONT Preach, Teach or Say! 

This weeks Abortion News:  Click here

This weeks Featured Video:  Click Here

This weeks Featured Article:  Click here

This months Featured Series: Halloween – The Eve of the Devil  Where did Halloween originate? Part 1

Good News for a change!

U.S. Official Arrested, Criminally Charged For Leaking Confidential Documents in Russia Probe

Judge Drops Stormy Daniels’ Lawsuit Against President Trump, Forces Her To Pay His Legal Bills As Well

This weeks Ignorance Gone to Seed Awards:

Democrat Congress Members Urge Trump to Meddle in Hungary’s Elections

Are the pathetic New York Mets so desperate to fill their stadium, they have to do this?

Bono dresses as Satan, to criticize those who oppose mass migration – saying they originate from Satan

Isaiah 5:20-21 News: The World has gone NUTS and Topsy-Turvy!

NYPD Looks to Charge 9 Proud Boys With Assault for Manhattan Fight  Antifa are the ones who always attack. They go after Police too!

Signs of the Times  Mark 13:4-10 and Luke 21:25-28

Insects invading VA, PA could be ‘most destructive’ in 150 years

Putin declares Russians ‘will go to heaven’ in event of nuclear war

Tornado activity is shifting to the East and scientists don’t know why!

Deadly floods hit Texas after extreme rainfall, state of emergency declared

Unprecedented October rains hit desert nation of Qatar, causing major flash floods

Red alert in Aude, massive flash floods leave at least 6 dead, schools closed, France

Severe flash floods and landslides leave at least 27 dead, dozens missing across Sumatra, Indonesia

Extreme rainfall – potentially deadly floods target Spain – worst sudden drop in temperature in a decade

That’s amazing, the Arctic sky has turned red! A sign of the RED WAVE at the Mid-Term Election this November???

Communist Democrat Trash – RINO Republican Scum – Vote Fraud

Pelosi: When We Take Over, If You Don’t “Share Our View,” You’ll Be “Collateral Damage”

Massachusetts Democrat mayor charged with fraud to fund lavish lifestyle refuses to step down

The People “Stopping Election Interference” Are the Ones Who Are Actually Rigging the Election

Beto O’Rourke’s ‘Lifelong Republican’ Mom Voted In Dem Primaries Since 2000, Donated to Obama

Republican Brothel Owner Running for Nevada Assembly Dies; Reports State He Might Still Win Election

Federal Judge “Shocked” To Find Obama State Dept Lied To Protect Hillary From Email Server Lawsuits

Texas Dems ask Non-Citizens to Register to Vote, Send Applications With Citizenship Box Pre-Checked – Gov. Abbott Responds

Antifa Protester to 9/11 Widow: ‘Your Husband Should F***ing Rot In The Grave’  Just shows how Stupid these people are. Everyone ROTS in the grave!

Plagues – Disease – Vaccine hoax  

DARPA weaponizing insects to spread VIRUSES

12-year-old girl becomes paralyzed after being injected with Gardasil

US doctors baffled as rare spinal disease spreads across 22 states  Ask yourself WHY isn’t this TOP News in the American Media?  

False Religions: Atheism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Mormonism etc.

Turkey Arrests Another Pastor Just Days after Pastor Brunson is Released

Christianity crackdown: Cross TORN DOWN from church in fresh attack on worshippers

Christian Girls Kept as Slaves, Aid Worker Killed as ‘Apostate,’ Report Says Islamic Law Allows ‘Infidels’ to be Enslaved

Infamous Muslim hate preacher, Anjem Choudary, has been released from prison after serving just half his 5 ½ year sentence

Pedophile – Sodom and Gomorrah – Sex Trafficking News – Sexual Perversion

Christian Filmmakers Battle Minnesota Over Same-Sex Marriage

I ‘Tell Him He’s a Good Boy’: Man’s Wife Identifies as Male and Role-Plays as a ‘Human Pup’

Kansas Sued for ‘Denying Transgender People Birth Certificates That Accurately Reflect Their Sex

Man Who Identifies as Woman Wins World Championship in Women’s Cycling, ‘It’s Not Fair’ Says Female Competitor

Father, 27, is jailed for 244 years for raping his newborn daughter during ‘a meth-induced haze’ and breaking her ribs and legs

Witchcraft – Satanism – Demon Possession – Mark of the Beast – Transhumanism: Get up to Speed on the Watchers here.

Witches use Facebook to promote ‘public hex’ on Kavanaugh

Burger King Launches Demonic ‘Nightmare King’ Whopper Scientifically Proven To Increase Your Terrifying Dreams By 350 Percent

Illegal Aliens – DACA – MS-13 “Divine” ones – Muslim Refugee News

More Than 100 ISIS Terrorists Caught In Guatemala as Caravan Heads to U.S.

False Flags – Big Brother – Police State – Gun Confiscation – Crooked Cops

‘People Just Can’t Know That’: McCaskill, Staff Exposed In Undercover Sting Video

Facebook establishes war room to fight “fake news” regarding upcoming mid-term elections

State Tells Christian Filmmakers: Make Same-Sex Marriage Films or Spend 90 Days in Jail

Internet Censorship Just Took An Unprecedented Leap Forward, And Hardly Anyone Noticed

City Says Lawsuit Not Valid Because Video Shows Cops Beating Both Men and Women with Sex Toy

Twitter Locks LifeSiteNews Account Over Article On Rising Homosexual STD RatesRestores after thousands of complaints

Trump Derangement Syndrome

We’re Not Battling Craziness. We’re Battling Evil

Democratic Rep. Al Green: ‘There Will be an Impeachment of This President’

Democratic Congressman: ‘Make No Mistake, This is Part of an Evil Plot by the Trump Administration’

Other News of Interest

Another Church Building Sealed Shut in Algeria

Almost 1/2 of U.S. births happen outside marriage

101 Reasons Why He Must End the Federal Reserve, (which is NOT part of the Government) Must End

Until Next Week, KLTJ –  Keep Looking To Jesus!


If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!