July 12, 2020 End Times News Alert

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James 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”

Previous News Alerts are archived here

This weeks Abortion News:  Click here

This weeks Featured Video: Click Here Reverend Terry Anderson

This weeks Featured Articles:  Article 1  Article 2  Article 3  Article 4  Article 5

This weeks Featured Music Video: Click Here  When the roll is called up Yonder

This weeks Featured Cartoons: Cartoon 1  Cartoon 2  Cartoon 3  Cartoon 4 

This New Featured Series of Articles:  Remnants of the Gods – Enoch’s Gates  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

Send in your Prayer Requests Here 

Good news for a Change

Seven Antifa Terrorists Arrested On Federal Charges After Weekend Of Carnage In Portland

This weeks Ignorance Gone to Seed Awards:

D.A. Diana Becton Charges Couple With HATE CRIME For Painting Over BLM Mural

Marxist Black Lives Matter-Supporting Teacher Oddly Claims 2+2 Only = 4 Because of “Western Imperialism”

Ethiopians March in Seattle to Protest Unrest Rocking Their Country  Just as ignorant as people in Europe rioting because of George Floyd!

Treasonous Black-Faced Democrat Governor Ralph ‘Coonman’ Northam Orders American Flag Removed on Independence Day in Order to Appease the Marxist Mob

Isaiah 5:20-21 News: Apostasy – Hypocrisy – Christian Persecution. The World has gone Totally NUTS and Topsy-Turvy!

Gifts from the Fallen – Metal Craft, Paint and Mirrors

NYPD Seeking Information in Multiple Broad-Daylight Executions

Boston: “Day of Rage” protestors call for violent destruction of Israel

Jesse Lee Peterson: Christians Deny God to Cave to the Mob and Their ‘Daddy Satan’

Fake News Rag New York Times is Blaming the Church for Spike in Chi-Comm Virus Cases

Former University of Texas Professor Would Like Israel to Be Bombed “Until the Sand Turns to Glass”

Angry Leftist Mob Targets NY Church–Harassing Worshippers And Shouting ‘Black Lives Matter’ During The Sermon

New York Times Falsely Blames Churches for Huge Spike in Coronavirus Cases  NOT the Millions of Communist Rioters!

Church of the Brethren in Nigeria Says 50 Attacks by Boko Haram Were Largely ‘Unreported or Under Reported’ by Media

Signs of the Times  Mark 13:4-10 and Luke 21:25-28 – Prophecy – Climate Hoax

10 Signs of the Looming Seven-Year Tribulation

Farm animals may be key to forecasting earthquakes

LIGHTNING STRIKES some pretty significant buildings!

Deadliest monsoon in 11 years triggers floods and multiple landslides in Nepal

Does A Series Of “Mystery Explosions” Inside Iran Mean That The Next Big Middle East War Is About To Begin?

Iran brags that new ‘missile cities’ are nightmare for enemies The comments were made Sunday by Brig. Gen. Alireza Tangsiri who said that Iran has’underground cities which house vessels and missiles.’

Experts Say it Has Never Snowed That Much in The Andes – Despite Amazing 13 Feet of Snow in Just 2 Weeks Ski Stations Remain Closed Due to Corona in Argentina and Chile..Don’t be fooled, the world is entering a mini ice age

Plagues – Disease – Famine – Vaccine Hoax – 5G  ***Educate yourself about the Georgia Guide Stones!!***


Current Biblical Locust Plague July 8, 2020

Bunny Ebola Is Spreading Rapidly In The United States

Chinese Virologist Flees Hong Kong, Accuses Beijing Of COVID-19 Cover-Up

The Impacts of the Draconian Lockdowns: 1.1 Billion People At Risk of Starvation

WHO Quietly Admits Chinese Communist Party Never Reported Coronavirus Outbreak

Suspected case of BUBONIC PLAGUE registered in China, days after Mongolian outbreak


China ‘found coronavirus strain SEVEN YEARS ago and sent it to Wuhan lab to study but said nothing after pandemic’

Even a Broken Clock: Farrakhan Accuses Fauci And Bill Gates Of Plotting To ‘Depopulate The Earth’ With Chi-Com Virus Vaccine

Man Made False Religions = Atheism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Mormonism, Scientology etc.

“Allahu Akbar” Chanted at BLM Protest

‘Hindu Lives Matter’ Campaign Picks Up Steam


Italy: Muslim migrant, naturalized Italian citizen, murders Italian for being “white” and “happy”

THIS is Islam!  India: Six Muslims, including 68-year- old and 75-year-old, repeatedly rape eight-year-old girl

Pakistan: Muslim destroys wall of Hindu temple, says “Allah wishes, I will not let a temple be constructed here”

Pedophilia – Sodom and Gomorrah – Sex Trafficking – Feminism –  More LGBTQPXYZ news here


French Pedophile on 300 Child Rape Charges Facing Execution By Firing Squad in Indonesia

LGBT Agenda Gets Exported to Mexico When Burger King Changes Logo to “Burger Queer” in Honor of Pride Month

Has the SPELL been broken on  top Witch? J.K. Rowling Raises the Alarm Over an ‘Unregulated Live Experiment on Children’

Satanism – Witchcraft – New Age – Demon Possession – Mark of the Beast  Be sure and bookmark the website

Kanye “Brewster” West: “They Want to Put Chips Inside of Us”

College Witch Casts Spell to get Conservatives Group off Campus

How Antifa and Black Lives Matter Compare with Satan   Well,  Satan IS a Democrat!

Michigan Bill: It’s OK To Microchip Employees, But Not To Make It Mandatory  Camels nose under the tent!

Occult Ritual Transformation and Coronavirus: How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order

Transhumanism – Nephilim – Alien Agenda  Get up to Speed on the Watchers here.

The World Economic Forum Tells Us That The Fourth Industrial Revolution Will Completely Merge Man And Machine With Implantable Technology

Illegal Aliens – DACA – MS-13 “Divine” ones – Muslim Refugee News – Weekly Terrorist News here

Former Mexican Border State Governor Arrested in Florida

Trump Promises ‘Road to Citizenship’ for DACA Illegal Aliens

Illegal Alien Apprehensions at Border Jump for Second Straight Month

Illegal Alien Arrested for Raping 7-Year-Old Set Free by Maryland Sanctuary County

Now the roles are reversed! Mexico border towns try to stop Americans crossing amid Covid-19 fears 

False Flags – Big Brother – Police State – Gun Confiscation – Crooked Cops – Terrorists – Bernie Bros – Antifa- BLM

Hong Kong Leader Refuses to Guarantee Press Freedom Under Beijing’s National Security Law

‘There’s No Way You Can Do Any Homework on Black Lives Matter and Not See That It’s a Marxist Organization’

African Cardinal Denounces Hijacking of Black Lives Matter Saying The Movement Is Betraying The Black Community

Racism – Hate Hoaxes – Eugenics and Genocide – Euthanasia  – Be sure and read Racism needs a willing Vessel 

Black America: Before Y’all Sign On to BLM

Why Isn’t Black Lives Matter Protesting the Slavery That Still Exists Today?

Democrat’s CAREN ACT Would Outlaw “Racist” 911 Calls by White People

Communist Trash Rapper Snoop Dogg Declares Black Conservatives , His Own kind, ‘The Coon Bunch’

Another Democrat Race Hoax: Democrat Candidate in Oregon Admits He Wrote ‘Racist’ Letter to Himself

Another Democrat Race Hoax: Police Say Texas A&M Student Who Found Racist Notes on His Car Put Them There

Leftists Gaslight, Call the Black Man Who Mowed Down Two Commies Blocking I-5 in Seattle, Killing One White Woman, a ‘White Supremacist’

Black Lives Matter Leader Toronto Believes White People are Subhuman, Calls Them ‘Genetic Defects’ – Begs ‘Allah’ to Help Her ‘Not Kill White Folks’

Slavery Rampant in Africa, Middle East; The West Wrongly Accuses Itself:It is high time for the United States to stop funding the United Nations…. The United Nations is now being used to perpetuate injustice, not stop it.

Enemies of America – Communist Democrat Trash – RINO Republican Scum – Vote Fraud – Fake News

Deceased cat gets voter registration application in the mail

De Blasio’s NYC: Father Shot Dead While Walking With 6-Year-Old Daughter

Grassley: ‘The Deep State Is so Deep Its People Get Away with Political Crimes’

Forget Plague, Riots, and Socialism: Vote-By-Mail Will Be the Death of the Republic

Communist Democrat Terrorists Officially Propose Giving Entire World’s Migrants Asylum in the US

The Four Stages of the Communist Takeover: Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, Normalization

CNN’s Homosexual Deviate Don Lemon Claims Black on Black Violence Has Nothing to do With Black Lives Matter

Four Years Ago This Week Barack Obama Scolded America for Being Racist at Funeral for 5 Police Officers Slain by BLM Terrorist

George Soros Launders $40,000,000 Into Anti-Trump Super PAC From Various NGO Front Groups, More Than Twice What He Spent Last Year Buying Votes

Democrat Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner Shuts Down Texas GOP Convention Over Chi-Com Virus Hysteria After He Marched Shoulder-to-Shoulder With Communist Agitators

Trump Derangement Disease – Lunatics in the News!

Kanye’s Millions

Patricia Arquette Claims Donald Trump Is Not the Legitimate US President

Liberals reserve tickets to Trump’s New Hampshire rally to try making venue look empty

Cher Asks if Trump ‘Only Wants to Save Whites and White Supremacists’ from COVID-19

Deranged Democrat Al Green Vows to Fast-Track Court Cases on President Trump’s Tax Records

Other News of Interest

Jade Helm 2020 – Master The Human Domain – The Exercise Continues

Trump Hater Robert De Niro’s Restaurants, Hotels Took $28 million in Coronavirus Relief Loans

Reports Surface That Chelsea Clinton and Epstein Pedophile Pimp Ghislaine Maxwell Were Such ‘Close Friends’ They Vacationed Together

‘Arkancide Alert!’ Revisiting The Never-Ending ‘Clinton Body Count’ In The Age Of Ghislaine Maxwell – Will They Be Able To Keep Her Alive Or Will She Suffer The Same Fate As Countless Other ‘Clinton Cronies’ And Enemies? 

Until Next time, KLTJ –  Keep Looking To Jesus!

Jon and Josie

Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?”

Preaching the True Gospel of Jesus Christ without apology! Saying what Preachers with LACE on their PANTIES won’t say!

The Communist Democrat Party really is the Party of Death and that of Destruction and Treason! They are The Beast and Enemy Within!

Time are tough! Please consider a Donation. Even a dollar would help!

2nd Corinthians 9:6-7 “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.“


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If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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